

NC State MFM Prepares Students!

NC State University Financial Mathematics Program is a STEM program. It is Ranked #5 by Risk.net (2025), Ranked #12 by QuantNet (2025), and Ranked #5 by Master of Finance Degrees (2020). We are also featured in the Quant Finance Master’s Guide 2020. We are known for rigorous training in the core areas of probability, statistics, mathematical modeling, investment theory, stochastic processes, and economics. The depth of understanding prepares students to respond to today’s rapidly evolving, world-wide economic and financial landscape. During the 18 month program, students are encouraged to build on these core areas with a focus in areas such as data analytics, portfolio management, machine learning, or risk management.

NC State MFM Invests in Students’ Future!

Since your goal is to get a job, that is our goal too. Our academic training is matched with a full range of career services and counseling. Once students join our program they have exclusive access to personalized career development counseling to enhance professional and career development unique to each students’ interest, experience and skill-set. We also invite guest industry speakers to present and network with our students. Students learn about the field and get career advice from the speakers. Occasionally students will get the opportunity to work on and present industry-specific projects to professionals who provide them feedback. These services and more are there to make sure you are ready for your career ahead.

NC State MFM Students are Diverse!

Our students come from the United States and abroad. They have a variety of academic backgrounds including Mathematics, Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, Statistics, Economics, Finance and others. This diversity of students’ background is partially due to the fact that our program qualifies for the government STEM program.​ Both full-time and part-time students are welcome!

2108 SAS Hall, 2311 Stinson Drive, NC State University, Raleigh, NC 27695
Tel: +1-919-513-2291     E-mail Us: Financial-Mathematics@ncsu.edu
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