Student Profile
Our students typically have an undergraduate major in mathematics or a closely related discipline such as physics, statistics, or engineering. They come from all over the US, Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Africa. The majority of our full-time students are in their 20s, have no previous work experience in finance, and do not already have a graduate degree. However, we do have students who are older, have had prior work experience, and who have a masters or PhDs in other subjects. Our part-time students typically already work in the financial industry and are somewhat older. They may be looking to upgrade their skills or prepare for a job change.
We seek highly qualified students with strong backgrounds in mathematics and computing and an interest in working within the financial community. We do not look for specific majors and do not have a single ideal candidate; rather we look for well rounded students with a definite plan to work in the financial community after graduation. Accepted students in past years have had majors as diverse as Mathematics, Economics, Finance, Computer Science, Physics and Engineering. In addition we have accepted PhD’s and MBA’s.
In the fall, a new class of full-time students numbers about 30. But our courses are also attended by part-time and non-degree students who work full-time in the financial industry as well as PhD students in Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, and other sciences for whom quantitative finance is an attractive career option. At some course sessions, you will also find senior personnel from the financial industry attending who are interested in a lecturer’s approach to a particular topic. We think this varied mix of course participants helps to enrich the educational experience of all, by allowing the sharing of viewpoints from many different professional perspectives.
Our students come from the United States and abroad and have a variety of academic backgrounds including mathematics, engineering, and computer science. Full-time and part-time students are welcome.
Check NC State’s Financial Math Weibo blog in China: